Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thoughts on a Tuesday

I have been totally off track!  I will do so good and then completely blow it because someone (usually my husband) wants to go out to eat, or just "pick something up" for dinner.  When I was doing well with my weight I would literally -- I am so not kidding here -- pack my dinner and take it with me.  It was usually a peanut butter and sugar free jelly sandwich on whole wheat double fiber bread.  Yes, I would sit and it my sandwich while the family munched on ooey, gooey, cheesy pizza, rich and smokey bbq, crunchy tacos and flavorful fajitas.  I sat and ate my puny pb&j.  I didn't resent them, I knew it was what I had to do to get on track - to control my eating and my weight.  It paid off.  Yet, here we are now.  I still need to lose about 10 pounds to be at my pre-pregnancy weight, which is 20 pounds more than my weight where I really felt good about myself and could fit in my "regular" no Maternity clothes.  :)  So, I guess that means I have about 30 pounds that I want to lose.  I am going to break it down into small manageable goals and try my best to meet them. 

My first goal is 10 pounds and that means I will get to *gasp* I'm about to admit it 169.  Ugh -- I can't believe I have let myself get here again!!  My goal date for ten pounds is...NOVEMBER 29, 2010.  Yes, that means that I plan to meet my goal the Tuesday AFTER Thanksgiving!  I hope to actually lose more than that, but we shall see. 

That all being said -- WHO'S WITH ME?  Who wants to take this challenge and change?  Let me know, let's do this together!

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