Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Thoughts on a Tuesday

I have been totally off track!  I will do so good and then completely blow it because someone (usually my husband) wants to go out to eat, or just "pick something up" for dinner.  When I was doing well with my weight I would literally -- I am so not kidding here -- pack my dinner and take it with me.  It was usually a peanut butter and sugar free jelly sandwich on whole wheat double fiber bread.  Yes, I would sit and it my sandwich while the family munched on ooey, gooey, cheesy pizza, rich and smokey bbq, crunchy tacos and flavorful fajitas.  I sat and ate my puny pb&j.  I didn't resent them, I knew it was what I had to do to get on track - to control my eating and my weight.  It paid off.  Yet, here we are now.  I still need to lose about 10 pounds to be at my pre-pregnancy weight, which is 20 pounds more than my weight where I really felt good about myself and could fit in my "regular" no Maternity clothes.  :)  So, I guess that means I have about 30 pounds that I want to lose.  I am going to break it down into small manageable goals and try my best to meet them. 

My first goal is 10 pounds and that means I will get to *gasp* I'm about to admit it 169.  Ugh -- I can't believe I have let myself get here again!!  My goal date for ten pounds is...NOVEMBER 29, 2010.  Yes, that means that I plan to meet my goal the Tuesday AFTER Thanksgiving!  I hope to actually lose more than that, but we shall see. 

That all being said -- WHO'S WITH ME?  Who wants to take this challenge and change?  Let me know, let's do this together!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

We will NEVER forget

God Bless America and the people who defend her.  May we NEVER forget the tragedy that was brought down upon this country by evil, hateful people who call US the evil nation.  May we keep the true values of America and not judge or discriminate, but show the true compassion and acceptance that makes this the greatest country in the world.  May we continue to rise and become as strong as we ever were!

GOD Bless the U.S.A.!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Rain, Rain Go Away!

It has been virtually FLOODING around here lately!  My poor baby has to be strapped in a carrier with a rain cover while I dash out the door to get him in the car.  Regardless of the cover, he is soaked, the carrier is soaked, the van is soaked, and everyone is crying!  AHHHHHH!  I feel like I'm in the scene from Forrest Gump "One day it started raining, and it didn't quit for four months. We been through every kind of rain there is. Little bitty stingin' rain... and big ol' fat rain. Rain that flew in sideways. And sometimes rain even seemed to come straight up from underneath."  I swear -- it is driving me CRAZY!  Now don't get me wrong, we NEED the rain, but if it could just come a more convenient times I'd be oh so grateful!  :)  My poor kids are stuck inside at home and at school, and kids that don't get to run off their energy are hellions not enjoyable to be around!

Sunday, September 5, 2010

Insurance -- UGH!!!

So, with a new baby and a kid with a broken collar bone, comes numerous doctor's bills.  That would be fine if the insurance we pay for EVERY MONTH was worth it.  It seems, however, that we pay co-pays for doctors visits - that don't go toward our deductible, meet a deductible that doesn't go toward our out-of-pocket max, and meet an out-of-pocket max that only applies for one person.  Everyone else has a deductible of their own - which also doesn't go toward the OPM.  So, instead of what you think, for an individual would be a $3,000 OPM actually turns into $4,000 ($1,000 deductible + $3,000 OPM).  What would for a family of 5 be an OPM of $6,000, actually turns to to be $1,000 deductible per person, no matter what.  That equals $5,000. The family OPM is $6,000, so---theoretically --- if everyone in the family had a medical issue, as a family we could end up paying $11,000 plus all the Dr. co-pays!  I'm sure you are reading this and saying -- yeah -- so?  That may be, but it really ticks me off, because it all seems so "tricky".  Anyways, in order to take out my frustration, but not end up in jail, or have my insurance company refuse to pay ANYTHING, I decided to write a poem.  It is not a good poem, but it made me feel quite witty to write it!  I hope you enjoy!

I do not like you insurance scam
I'd rather eat
A whole can of SPAM

I do not like you there or home
I'd like to hit you
With a Garden Gnome

I do not like your wallet choke
You take my money
Even though I'm broke

I keep getting bills you refuse to pay
I'm up to my gills
They won't go away

Why do I have you?
It seems such a ruse
With all of these Co-pays
I could have taken a cruise

I'll never my Out-of-Pocket meet
My deductible doesn't go toward it
I'm gonna end up on the street

So I guess I'll end this and say goodbye
To my money, my dignity
And my piece of the pie

Oh -- and my eating SUCKED today -- had another giant candy bar in addition to a 6oz sirloin.  I enjoyed every bite!  (Until I stepped on the scale)

Saturday, September 4, 2010

long weekend - and starting again!

Woo Hoo!  Long weekend - plus that's a day that doesn't count towards my maternity leave - 'cause everybody gets it!  yeah!

I hope we do absolutely NOTHING this weekend so that I have 3 days of not going ANYWHERE to get the baby on some resemblance of a schedule.  Wish me luck!

Oh -- and my eating was going very well -- until I bought several GIANT chocolate bars on Thursday.  I've already consumed 2 -- but one was a Special Dark.  Does that count as health food?  Tomorrow (Sunday) I shall start again, I figure today might be a bad day -- since it's Saturday and all!  :)  Anyone who wants to join me and help keep the motivation is welcome.  Just let me know!