Up at three again this morning. It really stinks to be pulled from sleeping bliss to a state where you feel like last nights dinner is rising up your esophagus and is headed toward your mouth! Sounds gross, is gross, feels gross... Of course, now that you are awake you have to pee so you make your way to the bathroom - lights out. In my case you climb over the gate that keeps the dogs penned in your bathroom for the night, this is quite difficult considering the baby that is sitting on your bladder and the laxness of your joints. You get to the toilet only to find out you just "felt" like you needed to pee, you force yourself to at least "tinkle" and then proceed back through the obstacle course toward the bed. Oh -- heartburn still there. It hurts to lay down. Prop up pillows and try to get comfortable while you increase your calcium intake through the generic Tums on your nightstand. 1 hour later -- nope -- still have heartburn. Maybe water will help. Up from the bed go to the kitchen -- all once again in the dark. (what is that green light in the kitchen coming from?) Grab a bottle of water - chug it - chase it with generic Tums -- wait. 1 hour later -- nope -- heartburn still there. (It is now 2:30). Sit on the edge of the bed -- maybe if I stay upright for a while it will help. ("Honey, you OK?", "Yep, I'm fine just sitting on the edge of the bed for no reason.") 3:00 -- I give up! Go to the living room -- once again in the the dark. Find a blanket and sit on the couch in a recliner. (What is that green light in the kitchen?) Still sitting -- decide to watch TV. Turn it on an lower the volume to almost mute (why should everyone else have to wake up just because I can't sleep?) Watch some Ti-Voed shows. (It's now about 5:00) Hear alarm - hubby's getting up for work. Heartburn is starting to fade. Doze off. Hear noise in the kitchen (6:00) -- hubby is fixing himself breakfast -- doze back off. 7:00 give up try to go back to bed. 7:30 -- "mommy I'm hungry" ignore for 30 minutes. 8:00 "Mommy I'm REALLY hungry" Think about ignoring decide that's not the "motherly" thing to do. Get up fix a nutritious breakfast of cold cereal. Try to go back to bed. 8:45 - call from the Dr.'s office "Your Group B Strep test came back positive, you will need to be on IV antibiotics once you go into labor." (Isn't that just dandy? could this day get any worse?). Sit on couch in comatose position - staring into space -- it's now 2:00 -- maybe you should feed your children again. Fix sandwiches (well past lunch time). Sit back on couch. That is where I now STILL find myself. Heartburn is back -- too tired to move -- brain not functioning properly. Hubs will be home soon and wonder why I have done ABSOLUTELY NOTHING in the way of laundry, sweeping, dishes, etc. Yet -- I cannot seem to find the strength to care.
Good times.
Spring Mix Salad
1 day ago
This baby better be born with a head full of hair and if he's not I think that you should just spank him for all of your grief :D
I know!
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