Tuesday, June 29, 2010


So, I've been having pretty good contractions for the past two days.  Problem is -- they aren't really time able.  A lot of the "good" ones are in the evening.  They are about 45-60 seconds long and about 5 minutes apart -- for 30 minutes or so, then they stop for a while before starting back up.  I have plenty during the day, but they don't seem to me like what the doctor would consider "consistent".  My problem is that I have no idea if I am having more contractions that I think, if I'm only timing bad ones, etc.  You see with my youngest I had time able contractions on Saturday all night, then they stopped (or so I thought).  I didn't really feel anything after that.  I went to a normal routine doctors appointment on Monday only to be told -- "You are in active labor and need to go to the hospital."  Hmmmmmm, maybe my pain tolerance is greater than I thought.  I mean don't get me wrong -- some of these contractions have brought me to tears (they hurt so bad in my back!), but I get past them.  I'm afraid I may be waiting to feel contractions like I did with my oldest -- you know those PITOCIN induced contractions.  Now THOSE are painful!  I broke a bed rail dealing with those.  Still, my water had broken, so I knew to go to the hospital.  I really do not want to think I'm in labor, go to the hospital and be sent home because I was wrong.  That would stink!  It would also be expensive!  Ugh -- I really don't know what to do at this point.  I see my doctor again on Monday -- I'll probably be fine until then and just see what he says. 

We'll see.

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