So.... last week I went to the gym Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday. This week, not so much! Now don't read into that. I WANT to go. I NEED to go. I CAN'T go. No really, I can't! The baby decided to get sick Saturday. Not only could I not go to the gym Sunday because of this, I also couldn't go to church. Not a good start to the week! Monday I decided to stay home, hoping to help him recuperate some. Normally, I wouldn't be too concerned with a cold/upper respiratory infection, but you see he was scheduled for surgery on Tuesday. Yes, surgery! My 10 month old BABY was going under anesthesia to have a mass removed from his forehead. I was worried enough about this, but his sickness just added to the worry. Just so you know, the surgery went well, the baby is fine (aside from the ginormous slit across his forehead :( He did great! I also did well...until I was holding him afterwards and they went to remove his IV... and he stated crying... and it all hit me at once... and I lost it! The poor nurses! I think it caught them off guard.
Back to the working out ---- I don't feel comfortable taking the baby to childcare at the gym yet, so this week will be lacking in gym time. Maybe tonight I'll make it if the hubs will watch the kids. I know, I could go for a walk -- but y'all IT'S HOT OUTSIDE! I mean REALLY HOT! While I might be able to handle it by myself, the thought of 3 kids and the whining that would ensue from a walk in the heat just isn't worth it! :)
We will be out of town for Father's Day and the baby has a check-up with the Plastic Surgeon on Wednesday, but I hope to be back on track by Thursday of next week.
My eating has been pretty good the past week -- just have to keep the motivation going. My goal is to be down 30 pounds by October.
Spring Mix Salad
13 hours ago